Thursday, December 10, 2015

Books on Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is the subject of many books that are out on the market today.  When you have an epidemic that so many people suffer from like drug addiction, writers often make that epidemic the subject of their books in the hopes that they will be able to help people recover from their problems and leave their unhealthy life behind.

Walk into any bookstore, go to the self-help section, and see how many books there are on drug addiction.  For those who are struggling with addiction, it can be a soothing sight.  If you have a loved one with addiction, it’s a comfort as well to know that there are so many tools available for you to help your loved one beat their habits.

A quick search on for “drug addiction recovery” shows over 200 books available for sale.  That’s a huge selection to choose from!

There are also a number of e-books available online that can be purchased and downloaded often for just a little bit of money.  These e-books are often written by very qualified people who have researched the subject in-depth and brought together information from various sources.  The advantage to buying an e-book is that you don’t have to pore through several different websites to get information plus, you can usually download them any time of the day or night.  How convenient is that?

You don’t necessarily have to buy a book on drug addiction.  There is a wealth of information available at your public library as well.  Most libraries will let you keep your book for an extended period of time as long as you continue to renew the check-out.

What should you look for in a book on drug addiction?  Actually, a lot!  First, look at the author.  Are they a medical professional or a therapist?  Do they have the qualifications and credibility to write a book on drug addiction?

Is the book organized well and easy to read?  Does it have chapters that apply to your particular situation?  When you look over the index, see if anything interests you or looks like it’s something you have never thought about when it comes to drug addiction.

Of course, price has got to be a big factor when you are choosing a book on drug addiction.  Will you be getting the information you need for the money you will be spending?  Most books will be priced in the $20 - $40 range at the bookstore.  E-books are generally much cheaper, so keep that in mind when making your selection.

If you are dealing with a drug addiction or have a loved one with a drug addiction, books can be great resources for getting help with the problem.  Being pro-active when it comes to the situation you are in makes recovery from drug addiction a slightly easier road to travel.  When you are armed with information, you’ll have the tools you need!

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